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Happy birthday, Eping! +8

On 04/04, Eping turned 8, and we couldn’t be prouder

It’s been eight years since the foundation of Eping, eight years since it was nothing more than a small office borrowed from the accountant, very tiny, but full of dreams, ideas and projects.

And over time, these dreams have become bigger, the ideas more incredible, the projects more concrete. The team has grown, some have changed paths, but others have joined and become part of our reality, eager to be a part of it.

The office became an office space, then a whole floor (which, being a loft, counts double, right?), then the group of people became first two separate departments, then three. We started participating in trade shows not only as visitors but also as exhibitors, we found the first contacts abroad, first by chance then through positive word of mouth.

What were once just dreams are now concrete realities, and we couldn’t be prouder and happier to share our achievements among ourselves and with all of you.

Happy birthday Eping, ad maioram!





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Happy birthday, Eping! +8

Happy birthday, Eping! +8

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